Sponsored Walk


For many centuries, pilgrims have walked from Canterbury to Rochester in Kent, and Matt Betts (one of our trustees) would like to challenge himself to do the same in October this year.

Here’s Matt: “I will be walking from Canterbury via Faversham to Rochester – it will take about two days. I am raising money for three important causes close to me: the Living by Giving Trust; the CA Hospitalite; and the Carmelite Charitable Trust.”

This is to celebrate 60 years of the Shrine of Saint Jude, five years of the Living by Giving Trust and my last year as Chief Brancardier for the CA.

You can sponsor me via our page.

Beatrice Rogers – Team Bea

The Living by Giving Trust is deeply saddened to hear of the death of Beatrice Rogers. Those who knew Baby Bea and who saw the loving care she received from her family were inspired and enriched. Our deepest sympathy to Bea’s parents, sisters, wider family and friends. As a charity we were privileged to help Baby Bea, and our support for “Team Bea” will continue to help her family treasure her memory forever.

For more information or to donate to Team Bea, please see: All about Team Bea